
*Self-realization and Service to humanity. .  

*To achieve physical well-being, peace of mind and happiness through regular yoga practice along with formal education. 

*To provide research, practice, training and promotion of Rajadhiraja Yoga Sadhana by setting up yoga training and practice centers in different parts of the country for the physical, mental, moral and spiritual development of all people.

*Establish service centers to provide training and services in alternative therapies such as yoga therapy, physiotherapy, naturopathy, acupressure, hijama, homeopathy etc. 

*To motivate and assist students in their physical well-being, mental development and moral character by teaching yoga in addition to formal education in different types of educational institutions.

*To create public awareness, to build mass movements against subcultures, to form Yoga groups, to provide yoga exhibitions, yoga programs & competitions,


নিয়মিত যোগব্যায়াম করুন

জীবন কে সুন্দরভাবে গড়ে তুলতে, ডায়বেটিস ও উচ্চ রক্তচাপ থেকে নিজেকে সুস্থ্য রাখতে নিয়মিত যোগানুশীলন করা আবশ্যক