
The Importance of a Daily Yoga Practice

Daily yoga practice is a commitment to yourself and to your own growth. A daily practice is essential to help us stay physically fit, mentally balanced, spiritually connected, and emotionally strong. It is a simple, accessible, and affordable practice that can be done almost anywhere. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated, even if you only have 15 minutes per day, it will still benefit your body, mind and spirit.

How to Use Meditation For Stress Management

Additionally, people use the practice to cultivate other positive traits and emotions, including a cheerful perspective on life, self-control, restful sleep patterns, and even a higher pain threshold.


নিয়মিত যোগব্যায়াম করুন

জীবন কে সুন্দরভাবে গড়ে তুলতে, ডায়বেটিস ও উচ্চ রক্তচাপ থেকে নিজেকে সুস্থ্য রাখতে নিয়মিত যোগানুশীলন করা আবশ্যক